Thursday, March 20, 2008

Look what Google came up with on me..... make me wanna cry.....

K after viewing my testimonial..I tersangat ingin Form have my school life back. I'd cherish it a lot more and do more outrageous things that I missed on doing. But I don't regret the choices I made on how to spend my time and who I chose to spend it with, I really don't regret skipping out on shopping and movie trips and going for dance/music classes,volunteer work ( although it was agony deciding!) and study stuff instead. I just regret ffk-ing my friends. Sometimes I wonder, if I hadn't spent so much time studying..would I have been a better dancer now ? Would I have been a better friend if I went out every weekend with my gfs on shopping trips and other girlie past times ? Would I have been a better person if I onlined more,watched TV & MTV like normal kids do, and did parties and hung out and got to know other people from the socialsphere, instead of spending time traveling between school and all those extra things and sleeping from sheer exhaustion?

Man, I'm bad at time management la.
Or maybe, I just doubt myself and my capabilities.

1 comment:

hjx said...

that is a long testimonial of yours! shame i didn't even realize how brilliant you are!

anyway, ... come on you're too young to regret anything. there is so much time and chances to do things that you want to do..or fix!! you're cool! :)