Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Blogging Resentment

lazy to blog now....

body too sakit to blog....
brains too headachy to blog....
work too much to blog....
to-do list too long to blog....
personal dance practise too occupying to blog....
bible too tempting to blog....
pile of books and dance magazines too exciting to blog....
chores too taxing to blog....
friends too many to blog.....

There you have it ! My list of reasons why I haven't been blogging for the past ( gasp ! ) 11 days !!!!
But these 11 days, honestly, I've been too busy and lazy to blog. Time's too short to squeeze in a bit of bloggin with family, dance, work, CNY, Bible study, books, PhotoReading, chores, friends...


Everytime I want to blog about an issue I feel very strongly about - ie: US politics - discovered so much dirt recently, dance enlightment, gorgeous music cds and books, everyday Malaysian ' marvels' - the new Jawi signboards in my area!, my work mates/dance mates,

something/one crops up.


9th of February, the 3rd Day of CNY
- Went for Rachel How's open house and invited a bunch of my church mates over to mine for angpows.

Rachel has left Malaysia for the Uni of Melbourne...She got accepted..I'm so proud of you, Rachie!!!.
But I'm worried for our friendship - which is already hanging thread bare. Like, over the past 2 years, ever since we left high school, we've met a total of ??? See what I mean ???

Thank God she's not a high maintance friend. I got really really superbly upset on the day of her departure and called her, and totally confessed my emo-ness. Poor Rachie had to listen to another emo friend bawling on the phone. As if her 200--0-0 relatives and all those Uni application thingies weren't stressful enough.
But she still listened.

Despite all that, she STILL had the strength to comfort me and assure me she'll still see me in June when she balik kampung. Oh Rachel...AND she smsed me to tell me not to take drugs and drink while driving - HOW DID YOU KNOW??? - AND she smsed to tell me that her heart's definitely got space for me, like a whole ' bungalow ' of space!
Oh Rachel...

Actually, with all you people leaving for Uni, I'm starting to get a little freaked out myself. And extremely depressed. You guys are disappearing like RABBITS.

Instead of spending my time blogging, I wrote some cards/letters and went around meeting up with all the people who're leaving soon for Uni. Sigh...I miss you all already. And you are in my prayers always.

-Thomas. Who left for the Uni of Melbourne.
-Peak Sheng . Who left for Trinity College Aus.
- Cheng Lee. Who left for Monesh Uni Aus.
- Shawn Liam. Who left for QUT Aus.
-DARLING RACHEL. Who left for the Uni of Melbourne.
- Li Zhen. Who left for UNSW.
-Alysza. Who left for the UNSW.
-Jason Tang. Who left for Trinity College Aus.
-Izzy Lee. Who left for the Uni of Melbourne.
-Joel Lee. Who's leaving this Saturday for UNSW.

So, I made a promise to myself to plan my limitted time here before my departure -

Do all the things I've always wanted to do - CARPE DIEM MALAYSIAN STYLE, which basically means EAT ALL MY FAV AND ALL THE MUST TRY MALAYSIAN FOOD !!! ;) ,

See all my family and friends again for one last time before I leave, we can do this over lunch, tea, dinner, supper, pasar malam, island hopping, touring all the must-visit spots in KL,and other parts of the country which I've not been to, watching good shows

Prepare myself well for uni - SHOP ! for ...practical stuff, ya know..DANCE WEAR! and DANCE SHOES, get my own crock pot and mini teapot set - a must for me ;), BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS,

GET DANCE TECHNIQUE UP TO STANDARD - I want to take adv jazz and pointe&variation classes when I get to Uni !, GET STUDY SKILLS UP TO PAR AGAIN - gosh, I'm going back to school!!! must learn up some comp skills to show off, refresh my memory&study techniques, build up my Math, English, History, Literature, general knowledge - esp of US -, and of course,my WRITING skills.

Build up a superbly strong Spiritual Faith ! - read up more so I've a good general knowledge of Christianity, finish reading the whole Bible at least ONCE before I go, finish all my Christian themed books - Philip Yancey,Max Lucardo, all those Daily Bread loaves of wisdom that I totally forget to 'eat' last year

and of course the boring things like eye check up, dental check up, medical check up, visa smizas, and all the interesting things like hair cuts, pedi/manicures, spa holiday(s!).

I've great plans for Uni. And I must prepare well. So I can enjoy myself to the max, make full use of my time - NO MORE PROCRASTINATION STEPH LEE - and learn learn learn learn and reach my fullest potential !!!


Therefore, I will have less and less time to blog... ;)

1 comment:

hjx said...

u left me wondering! ah u busy one.
anyway - get ur dance wear from usa. too cheap there! :)

have fun in malaysia yo yo yo!!! ^_^