I've set up a new blog, people !!! But it's more private than this one. I've come to realise privacy isn't exactly a bad thing and a lot of things should not be made public.
Anyway, if you wanna visit my new blog, please email or ask me through MSN. My blog's really a personal one, I don't want any Tom, Dick, and Henry reading my blog and commenting and insulting and saying slutty stuff and using the opportunity to stalk/threaten me.
The world is a less safe place these days. Protect yourselves my friends...
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Here Comes the Sun
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10:44 PM
Friday, April 25, 2008
Hey everyone,
I am closing this blog down for time being. The reason for my doing so is because I'm getting too distracted and procrastinating way too much . I've way too many things to do right now, and keeping a blog is not on my list of priorities.
And I've just realised..I can't really commit to keeping a blog ! I had so many plans ( gosh, sound so naive now ) but I can't afford the time to materialize on them right now. I've too little time to do all the things I want to do. MUST PRIORITIZE..cannot LAZITIZE...I cannot keep making excuses like ' have no time' and all those whatnothaveyou crap.
Besides, I don't want to trash the blog-sphere with my rants and ravings. I'd rather have a blog that sounded different. And mine is just so..mainstream ? it's not like me at all. I don't sound like me here. At least, parts of me don't. And it's really hard to be totally creative online. How to let my creative juices flow when I don't even know how this stupid thing works properly ? I have to discover myself first. Before polluting the universe.
And frankly, the major reason why I want to stop blogging for time being until I've matured & gained more techie skils ?
I want to start writing again.
Forgive if you can, forget you CANNOT. I will def announce the coming up of my 2nd blog soon,
When I've learnt how to do all those cool things in 5 mins flat and become a comp-pro and finished doing my uni stuff and gained triple pirrouttes and become a better daughter,friend, and student, I shall set up my 2nd blog.
And I promise you, that will be 100 and 10 percent better.
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1:39 PM
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The Yang of my Yin Day
1) I made a random search for images of Stephanie Lee and look at what I found ! www.stephanie-lee.blogspot.com Well, she beat me to that name, and Oxford as well. Ain't the world getting smaller ???
2) Got a free lift from Khai Hoong, I was really lucky to bump into you !!! And rediscovered my love of Kipling's poems. I found this just 5 mins ago !!!
Now this is the Law of the Jungle -- as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the Wolf that shall break it must die.
As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk the Law runneth forward and back --
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack
From : Law of the Jungle
GORGEOUS !!! Kipling's Jungle Book was one of the first classics I ever attempted, and fell in love with. He wrote pages more of prose and poetry, but I personally prefer his poems. They rhyme, ain't verbose or boring, and make sense.
Anyone out there who also loves poems - they do save your reading time, don' they ? And it'
s so hard to write good poetry. I don't speak for you, but brevity has always been a challenge for me-
should go check out this website www.poetryloverspage.com
They have a good collection of poems by Rudy Kippy too !!!
3) Coming home
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10:55 PM
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